Just a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and big Thanks note to all FMLers
out there, you Bob especially, and, of course mostly, the four-footers.
The Gang of Seven has grown more gregarious this past week.  Hob Tarzan
has ceased dragging his two girls (jills Claudette and Minnie) around by the
head, as quickly as he began.
For some reason, it was decided by the two two-footers that the time had
come to release the greeney meanies (the two alpha ferrets, both neutered)
into the cohort of five friends (four neutered males share one
ferraritarium, while Tarzan and the girls share the other, but there are
various combinations of social groups).  Everyone lives side by side in a
room so they watch and smell each other daily, and, thus far, we've only
introduced Gadzook and Schroeder Boat briefly to Tarzan, under highly
supervised visits, since they think he's the KING of EVIL, for some reason.
Tarzan, a gentle, cuddly giant, proved his four-pound mettle by mastering
Gadzee with barely a struggle, then proved his kindness (he only defends
himself, doesn't like to fight) by giving Gadzee a good licking as if to
say, "isn't this better?!"
Then Schroeder Boat was released and the Gang of Seven was finally out
together.  Tarzan retreated into his bedroom with Claudette and Minnie after
a few flourishes with Schroeder.  Tarzan wrapped himself and the girls in a
towel, making it very difficult for Schroeder to make inroads.  When
Schroeder finally poked his nose in it was met with hissing and squealing.
Schroeder lost patience and drove Tarzee from his holding and Tarzee, after
a few heavily supervised (by the two anxious two-footers) skirmishes which
were much less extreme than we expected, Schroeder retreated, scampering,
chuckling and jumping, around in apparent anger.  The flushing attack was
repeated a couple times until Schroeder settled down on a rug and went to
sleep.  Before he slept, though, we lavished him with love and affection,
since he appeared to be mourning his alphdom status.
Prior to the meeting, all ferrets were licking ferretone from our hands and
we held Schroeder so he could sniff noses with Minnie and Claudette.  The
meeting went much smoother than expected and things can only get better from
here (we've gone through this before!).
It probably won't be long before there will be civility, interest, play
and then finally, cuddling and love, among every heart in the Gang of Seven.
The Gang of Seven has given Janos and I a great gift! - peace in our
household and goodwill toward each other!!
Happy Ferretty Holidays!!
Lynn, SO Janos, big ole cat Wellington and the Merry and Peaceful Gang of
[Posted in FML issue 1420]