We finally got a playmate for Sebastian.  He's a big, smelly, clumsy,
not-too-bright, hob-very-soon-to-be-gib with a happy, easy going
personality.  Unfortunately, Sebastian has spent the last six months in the
company of human beings, and is not real happy about having that weird
animal in the house.  I know ferrets are supposed to wrestle when you
introduce them, but the new guy (we're calling him Mortimer) seems to
delight in biting Sebastian's neck whenever he can catch him (which is
actually not very often, Mortimer is slow).  Anyway, this does not seem to
make Sebastian happy, and he's just too little to win the wrestling matches
against the new monster guy.  Will they ever get along?  Mortimer is being
neutered today, and I'm hoping that makes him less of a bully.  Am I
correct?  Sebastian seems to be a pretty good sport about the whole thing.
Still, he's visibly relieved when Mortimer goes in his cage, and he can run
around without worrying about being dragged around by the neck.  Should I
let them wrestle more?  Right now I break it up when it seems the neck
biting is getting gratuitous.  I would appreciate any advice.  I thought the
idea for introducing a new baby by wrapping him up in some of the older guys
things was cute, but in our case the "new baby" is twice the size of his big
brother.  *sigh* I would appreciate any advice.
-Catherine Shaffer
-Sebastian "Animals belong in cages!"
-Mortimer "Where did he go?  Where did he go?"
[Posted in FML issue 1420]