There was an accident the other day involving a door and a little butt that
almost made it though but got caught.  Our door swings shut automaticaly in
my apt.  and I didn't do it myself but a neighbor who is not used to sneaky
fuzzies wanting to go out in the hallway to play.  But I was there to see it
comming but not in time to stop it.  I felt like I was going to thow-up when
it happened.  The door shut on Bear right in front of her rear legs.  When I
ran up to her thinking she would be dead she was looking up at me shaking,
not a peep like if ya get one of their toes.  Just some shaking I picked her
up gently and began cuing and telling her i was sorry and she was going to
be alright and everything I could think of.  I don't have any money now but
I got a credit card I thought getting ready to rush her to a vet.  Pam Green
sent me some info on vets and stuff in Minnesota that take care of
Ferrets,and there was one near me.  But all of a sudden she was alright I
set her down and she began to play like normal.  I kept a close eye on her
watching for any signs, but their were none.  IT WAS A BIG SCARE!!!
Bear is still doing good But she is a little weiry of the DOOR now.  She is
descented but after that she has the oder like she has sprayed.  Is that
sign of anything?
And one more thing,  Whaat are the signs of distemper, Bear has a runny nose
                              THANX ALL
                                        Greg, and Bear
[Posted in FML issue 1419]