I just read my first two installments of this mailing list and it's great.
Thanks to the moderator for putting in the time.  I am a relatively new
owner (3 mo) and have some questions
(1) What were Alan's recliner suggestions?  I have my leather recliner in a
     bedroom because I can't keep them from ruining the inside (I never
     actually sat in it much and I'm single so it wasn't really a danger).
(2) My boy was neutered a month ago but his urine still smells funny and he
    goes an awful lot and sort of dribbles a little after you'd think he
    was done.  He is approx 5-6 months old and the standard urine ck at the
    vet was ok.  ??????  Should I have another one done?  Do they ck for
    crystals (I saw something about that somewhere)?
(3) I am worried he ate some sponge (since he passed some I know he did -
    but is there more?) can he digest this?
(4) This past week all the sudden they sleep much more - is the short days?
    Or is it that they just went over 6 months old?
Well that's more than enough questions.
My girl did something for the first time - when I was holding her after she
woke up she laid there and licked her paws, then starting back behind the
ears started scrubbing her way down her face (sort of like a cat) but with
both paws - she did this 10 or 11 times stopping to rub her ears - their
paws are so neat.
Mary, Giesela (seeker of forbidden places and deadly things to eat) and
Boris (follower of Giesela)
[Posted in FML issue 1398]