Alexander Zinner <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>The little piglets are fine, we need bribe food. Any suggestions ?
Well, we love bell peppers. The orange or red ones are best, but we like the
green ones, too.  We like mushrooms, and tomatoes.  Cherry tomatoes are
neat, because they are a toy first and then a snack.  We would eat a whole
bowl of cheerios if given a chance. Oh, and peanut butter!  Who suggested
putting some peanut butter inside a film container? Great idea.  Christine
does this for us and we run around with our little plastic snack containers,
licking the inside walls until we get all the peanut butter off.  And
tonight we're going to try our first hard boiled egg.
Madeline and Theodore Ferret         A ferret's chief responsibilites are to
Vancouver, CANADA                    bounce, sleep, play, squirm, eat,
[log in to unmask]              \     and cuddle.  We do all this very well. Please send raisins!
[Posted in FML issue 1398]