You mean I really won a prize?  I was just acting the fool one night when I
decided to attack Paw Paw with that raisin and I guess I got carried away
with it a little.  I keep telling Paw Paw and Mee Maw that Kelleen is a very
nice lady - and this just goes to prove it.
This comes at a very good time.  You might say that I'm in a little bit of
deep doodoo around here right now.  You see, Paw Paw brought home a
Christmas present for Mee Maw yesterday and left it on the bed before he hid
it.  I wasn't awake at the time.  When I did wake up, I found this neat,
crinkly plastic bag on the bed - and figured that it was for me.  Imagine my
delight when I discovered that there was a really neat leather-type thingy
inside the bag - so I decided to chew on it, kick it to death and have a
wonderful time with it.  My fun lasted for about twenty minutes.  Paw Paw
came into the room.
"Tater, Dammit! Just look what you've done. That was Mee Maw's Christmas
I thought it was curtains for me for sure.  I just sat there on the bed -
too frightened to move.  The big ol' guy looked really sad and just shook
his head for a while.  Then he smiled at me and said, "Heck, little feller,
I don't guess I have any real right to be mad at you - you were just doing
what any self respecting ferret would have done, given the same
circumstances.  I guess I'll just have to be a little more careful about
what I leave laying around next time."
Then he gave me two raisins and we played together for a little while.  I
could tell that he was still sad when he came to bed later.  He's been kinda
sad lately - what with his back still hurting and not being able to work,
and all.  And here I be done chewed up Mee Maw's Christmas gift and didn't
even get punished for it.  I'll just have to do something really nice for
Paw Paw for Christmas.  Maybe I'll just have to start running up under Mee
Maw's nightgown again and enjoying the big guy's laughter when I nip her on
the rump.  Hey - it's the thought that counts.
Got to go now - I hear the raisin box rattling.  Thanks again, Kelleen.
Merry Christmas everybody.  I'll say a special dook for all the fuzzies out
there who aren't feeling so good.
Luv to all,
[Posted in FML issue 1418]