Dear FML folks,
I am the happy new owner of a 5 mo. old female (sable) named Spot.  I am new
to the mailing list and wish I had had this resource with my first ferret,
about whom I write this message.  I got my first ferret in 1985; she and I
were together for three years, until she developed an ultimately fatal
illness that I would like try to identify now.  The first symptoms of her
illness were the loss of control of her rear legs; thereafter, her stool
began to darken and she could not eat anything solid.  She eventually lost
control of her front legs and began to go into small, horrible seizures.
The vet that I went to prescribed an antibiotic (I believe), but was not
optimistic about her recovery.  I carried her around with me all the time,
hoping that she would get better, but finally, because she seemed so dazed
and pained, I had her put to sleep.  It was truly the most traumatic
experience of my life and I would like to know what happened in case I see
anything like that with my new little one.  Does anyone recognize these
PS to [log in to unmask]:  Good luck with your collection of advice on
introducing new ferrets to the "business" -- I'll be interested in the
result, as I am seriously considering a playmate for Spot ((is it better to
introduce new ones as early as possible rather than waiting until Spot
becomes mistress of all she surveys?).
Final PS: This is anonymous because I live in Minneapolis, which is either a
FFZ or, at least a FUZ ("Ferret Unfriendly Zone").  The FFZ list indicates
that at least two people have successfully challenged tickest in
Minneapolis.  Does anyone know what the legal basis of such challenges were?
                            FFZ Tim and, of course,
                         Spot ("Bring me a playmate!")
[Posted in FML issue 1418]