I read somewhere that cooking oil works in loosening glue so when I had a
mouse that got trapped on a tiny bug glue board I tried it and it worked
very well.  The mouse skittered away with just a little less hair than
before because it had tried to remove itself from the board.  I would
imagine this would work on duct tape too but have never had the
"opportunity" to try it.  :-)
Opinions - I value the input from all.  I have used "opinion" remedies from
others successfully.  I, myself, have tried "things" others have not and
have passed the information along from time to time for similar situations
as "what has worked for me" with the recommendation of contacting their vet
too.  There is too little known about our fuzzy little friends in the
medical field and for those of us who have "tried and true" methods it would
be a shame if this information did not get distributed.  We learn from each
other and what may work for one, might not for another, but the information
is still valuable.  This is not in replacement of our wonderful vets but in
addition to.  If I ever post something that is wrong, I hope that someone
would correct me so I do not repeat the error.
Oh and one last thing.  For those who medicate with Prelone, we found with
Fara we were able to divide her daily dose into 2 doses, morning and
evening, and mix the minimal amount with 12-15 cc's of Science Diet A/D &
pedialyte, which she readily ate, never knowing she was being medicated.
Don't forget to check with your vet on dividing the dose.  :-)
Hugs to all and Happy Holidays from our home to yours! tle
[Posted in FML issue 1418]