Dear FMLers,
Greetings from Germany.  Yes the FML is truely international.
This posting is an appeal for information about imporing Fuzzies from
foreign lands.  Have any of you had experience in this area?  I'm due to
move to Georgia in May, and plan on bring Boo and Bandit with me.  We will
be flying from Frankfurt International on Delta Airlines.  I hope to visit
family in Florida then drive to Georgia.  Have any of you used Delta?  Are
they Ferret Friendly?  What about Customs and Immigration?  I've got medical
records and our local vet will provide health certificates for both of my
"kids".  Is that enough?
Replies can be posted to Billy Farmer, [log in to unmask]
Wishing you and yours all the best for the holidays
Richard Myers, Billy Farmer, Boo and Bandit
[Moderator's note: International, yes.  Where it's possible to tell from
the email address, we have subscribers from 15 countries.  We may really
have more countries represented from people using international services
such as CompuServe - the email address for those are nondescript. BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1418]