My newest vet (this is the final one - he's available 5 days/week, so he's
stuck with me) has decided that her rectum is permanently prolapsed - a
screw up on the part of whoever descented her (she didn't react at all when
temp was taken anally).  She has an upper respiratory, her kidney infection
seems to be responding to the drugs, but now she's got this skin thing
In 30 hours, she went from just a sick ferret to a bright red, scabby,
flakey, smelly ferret.  Yikes!  And she's shedding a lot.  I mean a-lot.
Vet said skin "rash"is either a bacterial or fungal infection, or mites.
Took bacterial and fungal cultures, and shot her up with an anti-mite shot
(Ivermyacin or something).  Has anyone else seen this really yucky skin?
I'm afraid she's got a suppressed immune system, or having a reaction to
something I'm giving her.  But I've only had her 2 weeks, so _everything_ is
new to her.  And anyway, she's so full of drugs, how can anything bad get
Send warm fuzzies to this lovely, affectionate, Murphy's Law little girl...
Canela (I'm really "sick" of being in isolation!)
and crew (yikes, keep her away from us!)
[Posted in FML issue 1417]