OK folks this is it, the BIG WINNER!  There was a total of 52 votes and I
will break them down below.  There was a tie for 1st place but one of them
was the original "business" so the winner will be the other entry.  THANKS
to all that entered and to all that voted.  Will the winner please contact
me immediately so I can get your snail mail to send you your prize.  By the
way I just had to give a second prize to the most original and cutest entry
I received because it was from a ferret and not their owner.  I will post
that at the very bottom of this notice.
And the winner is (drum roll please!)
Caroline Worrall with a       "POSSE"   of ferrets  #25       7 votes
([log in to unmask])
#1  A Business of ferrets tied                                7 votes
#2     3 votes                  #15    5 votes
#3     2 votes                  #16    3 votes
#4     1 vote                   #17    1 vote
#5     1 vote                   #19    1 vote
#6     1 vote                   #22    5 votes
#8     1 vote                   #23    2 votes
#11    1 vote                   #26    2 votes
#13    4 votes                  #27    1 vote
#14    2 votes                  #29    2 votes
My special winner was the following entry submitted by Paw Paw for Tater.
Tater will be receiving a special prize package of three items to be told
later.  Thanks Tater, just too cute not to get something!
"I told Tater that he'd get caught, but he has a funny look in his little
eyes - and he's holding me at raisin point!  He didn't like my suggestion of
An Adventure of Ferrets; he says that should be obvious to any fool
(especially me).  He says that, being the self-respecting, Georgia Cracker
ferret that he is, it should be obvious to anyone that the only proper name
for a group of ferrets is A Mess of Ferrets - like a mess of grits.
Like I said, I didn't want to do this.  He even made me use Mee Maw's top
secret Compuserve address to send this, hoping he wouldn't get caught!  I
don't know, Kelleen; he sure does have a mean look in his eye.  What in the
world has come over the little guy?
OK, Tater, I sent your suggestion in; but I don't think she's going to buy
it.  Tater?  What are you doing with that raisin?  Oh no, not that!  Tater,
get that thing away from me!  Somebody help me, please!  arrrrggggh!"
Paw Paw (Tater made me do it)
You can reach Tater c/o      Sandy Schieman    [log in to unmask]
           Kelleen & The INSANE Animal House        *
[Posted in FML issue 1417]