To John Rosloot:
>What can anyone tell me about jaundice in ferrets?
Jaundice in ferrets is a very serious sign.  In my experience, it is not the
result of liver diseas, as the emergency vet stated, but more a sign of a
blood problem.  If there is increased destruction of red blood cells, the
released hemoglobin will be partially broken down to bilirubin, which gives
a yellow color in the tissues.  If the red blood cells break down faster
than the liver is able to clear the bilirubin, then a yellow color results.
Now, there may be a problem with the liver, but usually the liver is working
fine in these animals.
Make sure your vet does a complete blood count and chemistry panel.  Most
likely Buddy will be somewhat anemic.  Most cases of hemolytic anemia severe
enough to cause jaundice don't carry a good prognosis.  The treatment is
high dosease of steroids to try and keep the body from breaking down more
cells, but a large percentage of animal's don't respond.
Don't give up hope yet though.  Let's get all of the information first....
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 1417]