Did anybody catch Larry King on CNN last night (Tuesday)? Jack Hanna from
the Columbus Zoo was on with his (un)usual assortment of interesting
At the end of the show, Larry asked him if he thought ferrets were a good
pet. Jack hesitated, and said something like "well, if you're careful..."
and went on to mention the story about the ferret mauling the 6 week old
I was very disappointed to hear him repeat this.  It would be a good idea
if someone who has researched this, who knows the facts of this "incident"
contacts the Larry King show, and Jack Hanna, to set them straight.  We all
know the arguments - isolated, very unusual circumstances, stupid parents,
dogs maul thousands annually and nobody blames the species as a whole,
etc., assuming that it ever really happened at all.  This has been a great
disservice to ferrets, and I hope that someone with some respected
credentials WRT ferrets can convince them to retract the comment.
Stan, Terrie & Jen, with Mookie, Psycho, Cecil & Cocoa in Toronto
[Posted in FML issue 1363]