Almost forgot there is another gift you can give to your local shelter that
is free and only takes some time to prepare.
Go to your local Grocery Store.  Ask for your groceries to be put in box's.
When you get the box home Tape them shut with tape.  Then cut large round
holes in the sides of the box's.
These box's make great play time toys (please note do not put the box's in
your ferrets cage as they might think they are potty bowls).  Put the box's
out during play period.
These box's will make fun gifts for your local shelter.
Chere McCoy
P.S.  I know lots of you out there have great ideas for ferret safe and cost
free gift ideas for the Ferret Shelters - The FML is a fine place to let
people know about them
[Posted in FML issue 1385]