>Last year we didn't do Christmas presents - even for the family.  We did
>send out cards which indicated that a gift had been given in their name to
>Westside Animal Hospital for the Ferret Rescue, abandonded, and Homeless
>Ferret Vet Care.  This year due to the Vet bill we are going to do the
>same thing.
I think that's a great idea.  I think every one of you FFCR members who
peruse the FML should consider doing the same thing (hint hint) :)
A while back there were ferret definitions posted here and I thought they
were so funny, we used them in an issue of our newsletter (with proper
acknowledgement of course).  Then we got creative and did a few of our own.
I thought I'd put a couple here, for your amusement (we hope!)
Vaccum Packed:
The condition suffered by vaccum cleaners when a large number of ferrets
perceive the enemy and and proceed to smother it in order to impede or
prevent its progress.
Cat Snapping:
The act performed by ferrets who attack defenseless cats caught snoozing
on an accessible chair.  The ferret LEAPS into the air and attempts to
grab a mouthful of cat hair, but is usually just a few centimetres short,
which results in an audible clicking noise of snapping teeth.
The antagonized cry of a ferret (in ferret language), uttered when some
unthinking human treads on little ferret feet.  Loosely translated, the
cry involves a great deal of profanity and the words "Let my Foot Loose
you MORON!"
The act of simulating doing a doody, done by a ferret who is eager to be let
out of his or her cage to play, in an attempt too fool the simpletons (read
Litterliner Anxiety:
Occurs when litterboxes are lined with plastic bags and conceal the
necessary 90' angle needed by ferrets to perform a doody.  In some cases
the ferret may give up entirely and will commit DoodyFraudulation.
Vindictive Border Demarcation:
When a ferret is left alone in a home, he/she may become petulant and
engage in VBD.  This is when a vengeful ferret strategically places a doody
directly in front of the door.  The unfortunate returning owner, upon
opening the door, is faced with Maximum Doody Dispersal as the swinging
door grinds the VBD doody into the wall to wall carpeting.
Sheena (and 6 ferrets who do ALL of these things on occasion)
* * * * * * *
Ferrets & Friends Club & Rescue E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
"dedicated to the preservation of the domestic ferret as a
 household pet", a no-kill, not-for-profit ferret facility.
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For more information about the FFCR try our homepage:
< http://www.geopages.com/Colosseum/1575 >
* * * * * * *
[Posted in FML issue 1384]