We've had a weirder than usual night here - and once again, the ferrets
have proven me wrong just when I thought I'd figured them out. Let me set
the scene...
On our way home from picking up a pizza, we accidently (like anyone would
do this on puroise) hit a skunk, which is bad enough - but it gets worse.
Todd decided to go back and check on it. He got out of the car, picked it
up by the scruff, and brought it into the car to get a better look at it.
Unfortunately for the skunk, it was too late...I think we may have been
very lucky that he didn't bring a wounded angry animal into the car. He
then felt so badly that he put it in a bag and brought it home to bury it.
The car, Todd & I now smell very skunky. So does the entire apartment -
even though we've bagged up everything we were wearing, showered, and
sprayed the place down with Odoban and lysol.
I was pretty sure that this stench would cause Gilligan to freak out - he
ran around for days rubbing on every surface he could after Michelle
brought Mitzi and Hexy over. On the few occassions that Gonzo has been out
of his room, Gilligan has done the same. Tonight, he didn't bat an eye.
Snitch, on the other hand, who seems oblivious to the smells of other
ferrets (just don't let her actually find another ferret) went balistic!!
She ran around clucking as big and puffy as I've ever seen her! She even
protested by going to the bathroom in front of the closet where we stashed
the bagged clothes - in the middle of the hallway where no ferret has gone
I may never figure them out! Now - does anyone have any good suggestions
for getting rid of this smell? I remember that several people on the FML
have actually admitted to liking skunk smell - anyone want to apartment
swap for awhile?
Julie - we've also had a couple weirdos that loved chewing on velcro!
BIG - I just wanted to let you know that I actually enjoy when you throw
your 2 cents in - and what a treat the other day!  A whole post!  And here
I thought you were limited to only a couple lines at a time!  I hope that
being Mr Moderator doesn't keep you from expressing your feelings on other
issues & I hope we get to see more full-fledged posts in the future.  I
don't even know if you currently have any ferrets, their names, or anything
else about them!  Keep up the great work!
[Posted in FML issue 1383]