Regarding Ferret Nicknames: I guess I'm kind of embarassed because I only
have one. As I pick each one up I tell him/her you are my precious
My precious - (obvious)
poly-wog  (their long tails)
frog (thier fantastic jumping motions)
dog (they love to give kissy face just like their canine brothers - the dogs)
Yes, you all suspected it before  - "Chere" is wierd.  I know you want to
know the nickname for the dogs so this is it (keep in mind both my dogs are
my precious boy-joy-foy-doy-toy
O.K. so I'm running on only 3 cyclinders.
You should hear our morning song - it's short and goes like this:
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
The little ferrets are feeling good
The little ferrets are feeling fine.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
All the animals are feeling good
All well & Happy & feeling fine.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
Everyone is feeling good
We are bless and all feeling fine.
What can I say - I know none of you will ever again take me seriously.
Chere McCoy
[Posted in FML issue 1383]