We call Gumbi anything from Sprite to Freckles (she has freckles on her
nose) to Jingle (her bells on her collar) to Little Miss Impatient.  And
like many other ferrets, "Come HERE, you little monster!".
We had a guest stay over last night and since we only have two bedrooms
(ours and Gumbi's), Gumbi slept with us.  We didn't get much sleep as would
be expected.  Tickly wiskers in our ears, tongue up our noses, she would not
stop licking me all night, the back of my knees, the insides of my elbows,
and the most sleep disturbing of all - my eyelashes.  That's the last time
she sleeps with me right after a bath!  Apparently she mistakes my lotion as
Linatone.  She goes after it with the same zest.  Does anyone else's ferrets
go crazy after a certain smell that isn't food?  So needless to say, all of
us are cranky today (she didn't get much sleep either).  (That's why I was
asleep when you called Pam!  Thanks for waking me up.)
Could anyone give me any ideas on treats?  Gumbi likes marshmallows, ice
cream, raisins, and of course Linatone.  She does not like any type or
flavor of cat treats, raw meat, peanut butter, Ferretbites, baby food,
Sustical, etc.  Haven't tried chocolate or peppermint yet, gonna wait for
christmas.  I'm using treats to teach her to sit up and roll over.  I used
raisins to teach her to "sit-up" and when I tell her "roll over", she sits
As for the temperature of our house, it stays around 75-78 degrees, just
comfortable enough to walk around in a tee shirt and jeans.  If it gets any
colder Gumbi shivers to death and hides under anything cloth to get warm.
Even when I take her with me to Petsmart or P.T.Moran, she shivers until we
leave and I put her back in her carrier with her sleeping bag.
My day is not complete without the FML!
Gumbi (Mmm...mommy, You taste GOOD!!
[Posted in FML issue 1383]