Temperatures - 55 BRRRRR.  I keep the house at 68 and the fuzzies still
shiver so I crank up the heat (mmmmm feels so good) to about 72 and we
are all happy.  I don't like being cold and I don't think they do either.
I know the oldsters can't tolerate cold or even cool temps so if they
shiver I crank it up more!  Then we get real warm!
Mink - Why do people say minks are nasty?  That is their way of life and
how they survive.  People kill, maim, and hurt both physically and mentally
other humans and other animals - now that is NASTY!  Minks are wild and the
Federal Register states this.  Course the Federal Register classifies
ferrets as domestic too.  :-) Just wanted to throw that in, but mink ARE
wild not domestic even when raised in captivity.  Sure are cute though,
alive that is, not in a coat (YUCK!).
Parvo - Tony and Donna, up until this year I've always vaccinated with a
6-7 way vaccine - solvay galaxy DA2PL Or something like that, because that
was what my vet used before Fervac D.  I want to know more about Parvo in
your ferret too. If it truly is Parvo then WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT VACCINE TO
USE.  Parvo is currently in our area, it is every year from people not
vaccinating their puppies.  I've not worried as much before because the
ferrets were vaccinated with a 6-7 way vaccine. Now I'm worried.  VETS???
Hugs to all.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1382]