>Hi.  I'm new to the FML and own a 8-month old ferret named Cleo.  The
>problem with her is that I don't think she knows her name.
She probably knows it's her name but just doesn't bother coming to it...
after all, there are far more interesting things to do then answer to her
name :)
My ferrets are aware that they have names, but only Milo responds and
actually comes to his.  I started him early with the help of a squeaky toy
and now just his name does the trick.  BooBoo will come only when my mum
calls him.  I don't have to call Paczek, he's always under my feet or
climbing my leg.  And the list goes on...  I think you've got one of those
ferrets who doesn't give two hoots about responding to her name.  But she's
young yet, so keep trying.  Maybe she'll come around (pardon the pun).
I'd like to thank everyone who gave me hope on wimpy old scaredy-ferret
Paczek who was frightened of all the other ferrets.  It seems he sensed the
majority opinion that he was a wimp and has, if not enamoured himself with
the mean old Milo ferret, at least taken to fighting back.  A couple of
times recently I've caught MILO trying to climb my leg to get away.  Pretty
soon, I think Paczek will be taking over.  He's already practicing his
butt-kicking technique on his cage mates.  The other day he went in for a
genuine tummy tickling/wrestling deal with my hand and seemed to like it.
There's hope for him yet!
Around her we call our ferrets "bunnies" (anything small and cute is a
bunny, except for bunnies, which we call Mr. Bunns) or "boogah boogahs", I
think cuz they like the noise and jump at us. Also my "beasties", my
"babies", my "bungles" and my "munchers".  My roommate calls them "meanies"
(maybe cuz they mock attack her with gusto?!)  All in all, it's rare that
they get called Ferrets around these parts.  I don't what kind of pets my
neighbors think I have but I can probably guarantee it's not ferrets!!
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Ferrets & Friends Club & Rescue E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
"dedicated to the preservation of the domestic ferret as a
 household pet", a no-kill, not-for-profit ferret facility.
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For more information about the FFCR try our homepage:
< http://www.geopages.com/Colosseum/1575 >
* * * * * * *
[Posted in FML issue 1381]