Marley and Charley came home last night.  Charley's little nose looks
awful with those nasty black stitches but the closure itself looks good.
Now for Marley.  I hope our experience will help others. The vets don't
know why Marley got better but I think I do.  Last night when we got home
Marley had another dark forest green unformed stool so I dissected it and
found quite a bit of tangled pieces of fur.  I think Marley had a hairball
obstruction and the barium coated it and pushed most of it out.  When I
took him in I thought there was an obstruction of some sort but I've never
dealt with this before so I wanted him to get the best care so we went to
the vet.  His vet didn't find anything on the x-rays and I did mention that
not all blockages showed up so they did a barium x-ray and even though
nothing showed up, Marley was much better after he passed the barium and
at that time there was a lot of "stool".  I think that stool was a mixture
of fur and barium.  Marley is on a good dose of Petromalt for a few days
even though he had a normal well formed stool this morning.
Doctors - Am I on the right track here?  Marley is fine now, eating like
a horse, normal stools.  Oh, all his blood work was normal - good to know.
This was quite a learning experience for all of us.
Hugs to all.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1381]