Basic question is "is it time to check further?".   Our white ferret is 2.5
yrs old and does not seem to be growing hair back in after a late
summer/early fall molt.
She remains normally alert, energetic and has not lost or gained any weight.
(We monitor weight on all of them closely and she is holds between 890 grms
and 910 grms.) Stool is normal. The hair loss started in late August and
since then she has just had generally very thin, scruffy looking hair. There
are no bald patches. Basically it seems to be mostly dry guard hairs with
not a very thick growth of under hair. She molted around the same time last
year but grew a very healthy new coat by late September that remained thick
and healthy through August 95. She is on the same diet as three others who
are extremely healthy looking.
Is it worth getting a check for adrenal problems or should I just wait and
see if any of the other symptoms develop? Are there other possibilities I
should have checked.
[Posted in FML issue 1380]