Please help us, we are frantic with fright!  Today I discovered that my 2yr
old ferret Nikki has stool that is somewhat runny and has a slimey dark
green tinge to it.  I read in past FML's about ECE and am concerned that
this could be the cause.  Just to give you a brief summary about Nikki, her
sister died two moths ago from insulinoma and Ned male who is just starting
to feel his oats, and the other is a four month old non- spayed female.
Yesterday I noticed that Nikki seemed a bit lethargic but I figured the new
babies were keeping her up, and today I found the runny green stool.  I
just checked her hydration and she seems to be somewhat dehydrated (the
skin isn't snapping back the way it should) and I checked her color (the
gums seem to be a somewhat pale pink although they are not white).  I don't
have the means to check her temperature and even if I did I can't remember
what normal is!  Also I found the dried remnants of a puked raisin, and
that was also probably from Nikki.
Is this all from stress?  The other two seem perfectly healthy and the
Male is going to be altered on Fri.
Did I do this to her??  What can I do?  I'm going to take her to the vet
tomorrow , but should I act now and take her tonight??  I put her in the
cage, so that she will not have to deal with the other two, but I'm so
scared!  Calling the vet tonight is going to cost more then I can afford
but I can't bear to loose her too.
Please help us and give me your professional opinion so that I can give my
vet some direction as to what this illness may be.
Thank you.
Ang Dong  & Jaya Voss
[Posted in FML issue 1380]