Hi Jason & Meeko! :)
I set about finding out how to fly my 9-month-old female sable Nicky with
me when I moved recently from Connecticut to Missouri.
Jason, you're SOL. The _only_ way to have Meeko _in the cabin_ with you
(why would anyone endanger their fuzzy-slinky sending it through air
cargo?!?) is to travel Delta, paying $60, and if required (check with the
airline), getting Meeko examined by a vet for a health certificate, which
also costs money. Using a small-animal/cat hard-shell or soft carrier is
Yes, you could probably just tuck Meeko into your coat before you enter the
terminal (some terminals X-ray your bags before you come into the terminal,
especially right after a bomb scare like the one when I travelled last) and
keep Meeko there until you can get to a restroom by the gate to a carry-on
bag - because, recall, your bags are X-rayed and chances are excellent they
will catch on - but do you want to chance it?!?
Spare no expense to keep your baby safe - borrow money if you have to.
Dooks to you,
Val  <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 1377]