The largest thing our kids ever tried to hide?  Well, Minx and Newone are
constantly pulling their teddy bears into their cardboard tubes, where of
course they get stuck until Mom or Dad pull them out.  Zebulon once shoeved
a steamer trunk out of the way so he could get at a dresser drawer.
Steve and Colleen
Continually Matching Wits with Missy, Newone, Zebulon Pike,
                               Minx, Slinky, Puck, and Ripple
|                                                        _                 |
| Steven Woodcock                                  _____C .._.             |
| Senior Software Engineer, Gameware          ____/     \___/              |
| Lockheed Martin Information Systems Group  <____/\_---\_\    "Ferretman" |
| Phone:   407-826-6986                                                    |
| E-mail:  [log in to unmask] (Work), [log in to unmask] (Home)   |
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| Disclaimer: My opinions in NO way reflect the opinions of                |
|             the Lockheed Martin Information Systems Group                |
[Posted in FML issue 1376]