I have come to the conclusion that there is an invisable (at least to me)
tatoo on my forehead that reads "Screw me over, PLEASE!".  I will say my
life is anything but boring but how I manage to meet all the creeps
within range amazes me.
Since Trouble has been here he had some sneezing attacks but it wasn't too
bad.  I did find the nite I got him that his little pee pee was very red and
raw and inflamed.  I began putting aloe vera on it until I could get him to
the vet.  Well I took him in but found D had messed up and thought the appt.
for his kids was Thursday when it was actually Wednesday and now it was MY
vet's day out of the office.  I had the vet there look at him anyway and he
gave me antibiotics and a medicated ointment for the pee pee problem.  He
was thinking allergy when it came to the sneezing but there was also
breathing problems going on too.  I am unfamiliar with this vet and didn't
feel confident with his diagnosis so I immediately wrote Dr.  Williams about
the situation and the meds and such.  (Thanks to him for getting back to me
later) At 2am on Friday morning Trouble had a terribly violent sneezing
attack followed by severe breathing trouble.  For an hour I really thought
he was dieing.  Can we talk panic?  After just losing Racy I knew I would
not survive another loss so soon.  I called my Mom and woke her and she
suggested steaming up the bathroom and keeping him in there to help his
breathing.  Good idea but then my water heater freaked out and I had no hot
water after only a few minutes.  I was running around like a chicken with
it's head cut off and put water on the stove to steam him.  He DID NOT like
this one bit and fought to be let down.  Finally I let him go and prepared
him a sleeping area in another room because I do smoke and tho there is an
air purifier in the living room I knew he needed to be away from it.  He was
sleeping a lot and still sounded real bad.  Now comes the good part.  I
called the x-owner's work and had an entire list of questions for him but
they said he was off.  This guy works for the Humane Society in Animal
Control so you would think you could trust him right?  WRONG!  His work
agreed to call his home and then I waited for a call that never came.  I
called them back and he said he left a message w/his wife since he wasn't
home but I insisted I must speak to them now and not later for it could be
too late.  I was crying and extremely upset so the guy decided to give me
the #.  I called and spoke to the guys wife and she said "He told me the
ferret was dead!" I couldn't believe it!  After quizzing her a bit I also
found they had had him for merely 1 week!  I almost fell off the couch and
was in total shock at this point.  I told her I was very glad he had decided
not to keep him for he was exactly the type of animal owner I detested!  My
Mom came over immediately and off to a nearby town we went to see a well
reccommended vet because when I called my vet they said it had not only been
his day off on Thursday but that he had left town until Monday.  We know
found out Trouble has a very bad upper respiratory infection but not
pneumonia thank God and that the antibiotics prescibed by the other vet
should take care of it.  He is living in my bathroom for the moment with a
humidifier running 100% of the time and getting his medicine (which he
thinks is a treat and loves) and frequent checks and loves from Mommy.  He
is doing much better and soon should be all well and at that time he will
get his vaccinations since I have no idea now if he has had them or not.  I
thank God Trouble made it to someone with at least enough ferret knowledge
to know he was sick and needed medical attention.
As for the a**hole that gave him to me, I intend to visit the people highest
up at the Humane Society and tell them what happened.  I pray that this jerk
will lose his job over this for it is apparent to me that he should not be
involved with animals in any way.  There was absolutely no reason to lie to
people and he knew I had 7 other babies and he put them in jeopardy for no
reason as well.
So I guess my dearest Trouble has already lived up to his name eh?  I
thought of changing his name since he may have only had it for one week as
well but it just suits him too well so Trouble it is.  Perhaps now I can get
a degree in Ferret Nursing you think?  I guess Racy sent this little guy to
me to keep my mind off of her leaving, if so it sure worked.  Tho I could
have done without the heart/panic attack it caused me.  So just remember
please that if a person selling or giving you a ferret doesn't have the
actual papers to prove it has had the shots or can tell you what vet to
contact and you check it out, "Don't believe a word they say!" You have no
way to know it is the truth and this should prove there are some real creeps
out there that could win academy awards for their performances.  He sure had
us fooled into thinking he was a really nice guy that loved and cared about
this ferret.  At least on a good note I have a sweet new baby that should be
well soon (but where to find the $60 to pay the vet bills?) and the vet even
said he may not be as old as 3 because his teeth look like that of a younger
ferret.  He does have white & grey hairs on his haunches tho so maybe all
this just scared him so bad his hair turned white!  LOL!  BYE
*          Kelleen & The INSANE Animal House        *
*          [log in to unmask]                           *
*          President & Founder of                   *
*F.A.N.G. - Ferret Association of Neverending Glee  *
*Location : Boise, Idaho                            *
*I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday,   *
*all THEY want is lots of love and great chow!!!!   *
[Posted in FML issue 1376]