Hope all is well and everyone had a nice Halloween!
Carolyn- I left a message today, but incase you do not recieve it I will
post it also, We would be happy to put something in our newsletter "For the
love of badit" just let me know how or what we could help with.  We will
also be at the Rocky Mnt Pet expo this weekend, the 4th and 5th if there is
anything you would like to sell at our booth.  It has been a hard year for
us also, we have had over 150 ferrets brought in, that is double all of last
year, so our vet bill is also very high.  We should set up a fund raising
event together??  We do a few local things, but a big event would help us
Everyone out there please help your local ferret shelter, we all need thing
from money to food, litter, bedding or even just a hour once in awhile.
Anything you could give would help.
Colloidal- If you are interested in Colloidal Silver you can e-mail me and I
will send you a copy of the info.  packet I have.  I have said it before and
will again, nothing is a cure all, but we have had amazing results with the
Colloidal.  Many ferrets are alive because of good veterinary care and the
Colloidal Silver.  Plus no cases of ECE at the shelter since we started to
give it to ALL shelter ferrets.
Chere Mccoy- Hi!  we are still interested in helping in the disaster relief
program, any info.  you could mail us on how to help would be great.
Unfortunatley do not know anyone in Las Vegas, We will be out there in
February for the Expo if anything is needed.  I grew up in Las Vegas, but
did not know of any clubs then, I will call some friends back home if you
need.  If help is needed in Vegas I have family there and can arrange visits
there somewhat easy.  Let me know.
Take care to all and best wishes.  Stephanie
[Posted in FML issue 1364]