Kelly: You asked where the phrase "crossing the Rainbow Bridge" came
from.  It is from Scandinavian mythology - the bridge that linked Midgard
(the land of humans) to Asgard (land of the gods) was built of fire, air
and water, and took the form of a rainbow (note: it was known as
Speaking of all this literary stuff, does anyone else have ferret who like
books?  I have 3 large bookcases, and my two fuzzies have taken to shoving
out selected books from the bottom shelves.  Their favorites are "Abnormal
Psycology" and "Cultural Anthropology" and "The Complete Guide to Sewing."
Hmmmm.  I could almost excuse the first two as an attempt by the ferrets
to learn more about us humans (after all, I have several books about
ferrets)....  but sewing?  Who would have guessed!
And Kelleen - your Ode To Racy was beautiful!
Chris and Vanessa and the two bookworms, Mina and Josette
[Posted in FML issue 1374]