This goes back to over ten years ago with one of my first ferrets.  Eric had
a passion for wallets.  It didn't matter who's wallet either.  Eric would
pickpocket male visitors on command.  Really!  I'd whisper to Eric wallet
and pat my butt (where the pocket is).  As long as the male visitor wasn't
sitting right on the wallet, Eric would run over to the couch, hop up, go
behind the visitor and pull out the wallet.  Then down off the couch he'd
go.  If the wallet would come open, Eric would stop and take out the credit
cards.  Eric would go after female visitor's wallets too.  Not on command
though.  There were several times that a female visitors left their purses'
unattended and Eric would snitch the wallet.  Unfortunately, Eric did not
have a favorite Hidey hole.  So when this would happen, we'd have to look
all over the place for it.  Our visitors thought that we had trained him to
do this, but no this was his own idea :).
using her bosses e-mail
Graham Gibbs - [log in to unmask] - Washington, D.C.
[Posted in FML issue 1374]