Hello All,
We've had our first ferrets, Isis and Osiris, for about a month now and are
running into some problems.  They are about 3 months old, and litter
training is coming along slowly but surely.  Isis likes to bite, however.
This is not playful nipping, but an aggressive pursuit of blood.  She clamps
down on my finger and won't let go until I shake her loose.  If I flick her
nose she just gets more excited and starts jumping at my fingers with her
mouth open, trying to get a bit of flesh.  Hissing seems to just make her
more aggressive also.  Bitter apple deters her somewhat, but she doesn't
seem to associate the bad taste with her bad behavior; she just finds a
place on my body where I havn't sprayed it.  (toes, arms, neck, ears, etc.)
I have no choice but to throw her back into her cage most of the time.  If
anyone has any advice, please pass it on.  I don't know how many more holes
in my body I can stand.
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[Posted in FML issue 1372]