Greetings and salutations.  I understand the importance of putting
litterboxes in the corner of rooms, seeing how that is mainly where Farah
likes to, uh, read.  I have Farah's cage in one corner, and a litterbox in
another corner.  A third corner is successfully blocked by my hugh desk, but
the other corner is the problem.  That would be the corner where my door is.
I keep the door open while she is out playing, and a sheet of plywood with
pvc pipe atop it acts as my pet-door.  It is very inconvenient to put a
litterbox there, seeing as how that is where I step when I re-enter the
room.  She never has a problem going to one of the other litterboxes when
I'm in the room, but when I leave for classes and the such, she always goes
right in that corner.  I have tried putting a litterbox right next to the
door, but that stays untouched.  Suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated.
                           )        \   /       (
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*                        / | \     (/\|/\)    / | \                      *
|                            '^`     \|/    '^`                          |
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|       This will never be a civilized country until we expend more      |
|             money for books than we do for chewing gum.                |
|                                          -Elbert Hubbard               |
|                                                                        |
| .____________________________________________________________________. |
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*                 l  /   v      ))               v   \  l                *
                  l/           //                      \l
                    Address:    [log in to unmask]          */
[Posted in FML issue 1364]