Hi, Gang!  Well, I am a negligent mom, I guess.  Casey and Katoe were
sleeping in a cage in the carport, mainly so they'd grow luxurious coats
and partly to keep them handy to the kitchen to play inside.  Around 2AM
the chihuahua Miki started barking and wouldn't hush.  She kept running to
the carport door.  Well, she wouldn't go out, so I turned on the lights and
looked around-well, there's the lawnmower-and all the bikes seem to be
there-Miki, GO TO SLEEP!  Well, in a few minutes, she started up again.
How hopeless!  In all, I got up 3 times with her, but never saw what she
was getting at.  Then the kids got up-by now it was 7AM-and they let her
out.  Half an hour later, I was greeted with the words of my SO, "One or
more of your weasels in running around the carport." Oh My God!  So THAT'S
what the dog was barking at!  I ran out and sure enough, there was Katoe,
eating spilled kitty food from his overturned hopper.  Some 'possum,
racoon, or dog had wrenched the food hopper off the side of the cage and
the ferrets had exited through the hole!  Well, I secured the hopper
better, but will probably only use that cage indoors from now on.
But-WHERE IS CASEY?  I could find no sign of him, no matter where I looked!
Hours passed.  Around noon, feeling very distressed, I looked around the
yard and grounds for the dozenth time-when Miki-the-dog ran for a corner of
the sidewalk near the house.  There, in a recently dug burrow of his own
making, was Casey-asleep under the sidewalk!  Boy, what a digger!  Now I
understand ferret claws better!  He smelled like worms and dirt, but he
came running right out when I called him.  (He and the dog are great
friends, btw) When I brought him inside, he ate and drank and the went
straight to the lingerie drawer to take a nap.  He did not appear the least
bit fazed by the entire experience!  Miki is to be congratulated for saving
the day!  'bye-Karen
[Posted in FML issue 1370]