Hi All,
If you noticed last nite's posting from me of a forwarded very cruel
messsage then I need to explain.  I was really just asking BIG if he
would allow me to post this e-mail I received or not.  If he had said yes
I intended to write a little something along with it so I guess I will
write that little something now.
I wanted to tell everyone that 99.9% of all the responses I received from
the telling of Racy's death were wonderfully supportive and totally kind
but as the saying goes "It only takes one bad apple....".  I just couldn't
believe it when I received this most cruel message!  I guess I just wanted
you all to see how totally heartless some people are out there and that
unfortunately some of them are ferret owners!  I fwd.'d this to all of my
friends for their reactions and was so proud they were my friends when they
sent me back copies of what they chose to write to this person regarding
his inhumaneness.  Even if I had the slightest thoughts like this about
someone else's situation I would choose to keep them to myself and not
stick a knife in that person's back and twist with all my might!
Especially when it is obvious the person is grieving with all their heart!
I will not allow this creep to make me believe that I am a person who
should not have ferret children for I and all that know me AND my ferrets
know that is a bunch of crap!  Just for the heck of it if any of you out
there have an inkling to contact this person about his horrible message
then by all means e-mail me and I will most happily provide you with his
name and address, this is totally up to you tho for I would not make such a
request of anyone.
Just a little background for your information and so I know everyone
understands.  RACY became my daughter on August 29th of this year.  It was
obvious to me she was blind in at least one eye since it was all white
looking rather than red.  I was told she had a cyst type thing on her nose
when they got her and the Doc.  lanced it and it had never returned, was
also told shots were current (which they weren't).  Not wanting to take
chances with Racy's health I tracked down her medical records and and any
background info.  I could the very next day!  Immediately after picking up
Racy and Lightstar I took them to the vet to be checked over.  All was well
but it was confirmed RACY was blind in that eye.  About 1 week later I
suspected she was deaf also so back to the vet we went.  As well as they
could tell w/o complete diagnostics they also suspected deafness.  If I
noticed these things then I would have noticed any signs of severe illness
also I think.  Then on 9/22/95 Racy went in for her distemper shot and was
looked over again and on 10/17/95 she went in for rabies shot and was
looked over again.  Now let's do the math, Racy was my beloved daughter for
only 2 mos.  & 3 days and she visited the vet a total of 4 times during
that period.  The vets never saw any outward sign of illness so there was
no reason to do a blood workup or anything.  Now to me this does not sound
like a negligent Mommy that didn't bother to notice symptoms of illness and
just let their baby die!  Plus when I found Racy after being stepped on I
went to the vet's immediately at 4:30am.  I was prepared to pay whatever it
cost to keep Racy alive and healthy.
I am soooo glad to know the creton who wrote this to me is not an FML
member so he must subscribe to the alt.pets.ferrets newsgroup since David
posted Racy's story there for me nite before last hoping it would serve as
a wake-up call to all there that wouldn't have known about it otherwise.  I
had so many fantastic people here thank me for sharing this sad event with
them because it helped to remind them of things we need to be careful of
that I felt I should share with the newsgroup too in case it might help
someone there also.  So now I feel better knowing everyone has the complete
history of Racy's life with me.  THANK you for your patience with this long
Now for very good news, IT'S A BOY!!!  I received a phone call yesterday
from a very nice man needing to find a home for his ferret.  He is a 3 yr.
old little boy just a little bigger than my two.  His name is Trouble and
he is sable in color and totally laid back in personality.  The father told
me he had always had freedom to run the house and was good with other
ferrets.  Well so far in my limited experience of placing ferrets for
adoption I have not yet found a prospective ferret parent that intends to
give the ferret total freedom but instead will be having the ferret in
their cage probably 75% of the time or more.  I hung up and pondered this
and then knew that it would devastate this little guy to suddenly be locked
up all the time so I called the gentleman back and said I knew "I was
looking for TROUBLE" (LOL Ha Ha Ha) but I just had to meet his little guy
and was considering adopting him myself.  He brought him out to my house
and met all my ferrets and saw how they live and was soooo thrilled he was
just about begging me to adopt him because he felt I would provide a
wonderful home with the best of care for his boy.  Trouble had been running
around exploring and meeting his prospective sisters and bros and there had
not been any problems so I said I would love to have him join my family!
So I now have a new son!  Guess the moron was right about one thing, YES I
did run right out and bring another innocent ferret into my loving
home,,,,,, LUCKY ferret & LUCKY me!  We had a little dominance fight stuff
going a few hours ago between Lightstar and Trouble but knowing what
sweeties they both are I don't expect it will last too long.  After all the
same thing went on with Fang and Lightstar too.  I think Lightstar is just
telling Trouble that I am HIS Mommy and that he is the #1 son!  Silly,
loving, cuddly, little fuzzface, I love him sooooo.  Of course I love them
all more than words can say.  I just hope Trouble will be happy here and
not be too depressed at being separated from his Daddy, he seemed to be a
very nice guy that did love his fuzzy since all he cared about was finding
him a great home and didn't ask for a penny even tho he had a pet carrier
of medium size and water bottle with him.
One last thing and I'll shut the heck up. I want to thank my dear friend
Laura (mother of Maggie, Gatsby & Marshie) for saying to me that when she
died she wanted to come back as one of MY ferrets!!!!!  What a sweet and
wonderful thing to say Laura! THANK YOU!!
*          Kelleen & The INSANE Animal House        *
*          [log in to unmask]                           *
*          President & Founder of                   *
*F.A.N.G. - Ferret Association of Neverending Glee  *
*Location : Boise, Idaho                            *
*I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday,   *
*all THEY want is lots of love and great chow!!!!   *
[Posted in FML issue 1370]