Hello, all.
Up until this weekend, I've had Coco (6 month, big, bumbling male sterling
silver) and Simmie (now 7 week, tiny silver mitt sable) in seperate cages,
but then Simmie discovered her little head could fit through a gap in the
cage, and where ferret heads can go, bodies can follow.  :-)
So Simmie and her shoebox were moved into Coco's cage....quite ferret
proofed, and just big enough for two ferrets who spend much of their waking
hours out in the house.  (I would hate to think of two ferrets living full
time in a cage that size, though...)
What's funny is that Simmie has taken to sleeping half-hanging out of her
shoebox!  It's the funniest sight, and I took a pix I will have to post.
Her bedding is changed pretty much weekly/twice weekly, and it's *not* hot
here in Northwest Ohio (brrrrr...) so I can't figure out what her deal is.
She looks so funny, often upside-down, with her shoulders drooping out of
her shoebox and her head on the ground.
Coco has started to join her in her shoebox, and they look so warm and sweet
curled up in there togehter.  (!)
I just found out we've been approved for adopting an ex-racing greyhound
next week.  I'm hoping that the introduction will go smoothly....we've been
assured that the younger ones are not as used to chasing small, furry
things, and we get a muzzle for playtimes.  I suspect the big greyhoud and
the ferrets will not be unsupervised EVER, even though the two
mini-greyhounds and the ferrets play together wonderfully.  (What a HOOT,
two ferrets and two 8 pound greyhounds, racing around, with
Maud-the-20-pound-cat hissing from the bookcases.......) Will let you know
how the introduction of the large sight hound and the weasels go....
Laurel in Ohio...with THE ZOO...
Coco, ferret (dum-de-dum.....bumble bumble...)
Simmie, ferret (being only 15 oz, I can get through ANY HOLE....)
Quincey, IG, also known as "the vulture..."
Brigit, IG, nervous dog extraordinaire...
Maud, cat.....dumb, dumb, sweet, but dumb... :-)
Lily, hamster, oblivious to all other animal life...
Mahogany, Quarter Horse, "What you mean you're breeding me this year??!"
and soon to welcome the ex-racing greyhound......
I love this zoo.... :-)
"a complicated life has so many opportunities..." -Karen Finley
Laurel Gilbert, American Culture Studies     [log in to unmask]
Bowling Green State University, Ohio         http://www.bgsu.edu/~lgilber/
[Posted in FML issue 1369]