I am not sure what the original post was, but I just happened to notice
that someone had qouted the person's e-mail saying something about ferrets
not being litter-trainable.
    I just had to jump in and say that my Sid is nearly 100% litter-trained.
I would say 100%, but...  He hasn't 'missed' in a few weeks now.
    I think one of the key factors is how much they are trained when they
are little.  I did have another ferret that wasn't as reliable.  She came
from a store where they didn't use litter boxes for the ferrets.
    One thing that I find helpful about litter training is keeping them in a
cage a lot until they are dependable.  Sid hasn't been caged now for about 2
months.  Off course, he has started door digging, and I am going to get his
old cage out again.  :*<
    Back a couple of months ago, I talked to someone that wanted to know how
I trained my dog to sniff out my ferret.  I am just wondering how their
puppy is doing now...
    Clancy (The family's 100 lbs black lab) has been doing a great job baby
sitting when I go down to my parents.  Why, I am not real sure.  However, he
keeps Sid in check.
    My parents have a 3 story house, and Sid is only allowed on the middle
level.  Whenever Clancy sees Sid go up or down the stairs, he runs in front
of him and sits on the stairs.  Sid is starting to learn that Clancy won't
hurt him, and on occasion he will get by.  Then Clancy comes running down
the stairs in a panic, "QUICK!  HURRY!  He is upstair!!
    I run upstairs with Clancy, and he will follow Sid's scent to where he
is.  Sid will sometimes try to nip at Clancy as if saying, "You
    Sid didn't like Clancy at all when I first got him, now he is slowly
learning to like him...
[Posted in FML issue 1363]