I was catching up on recent issues, reading through the posts of Nov 1,
when my heart sank and my tears welled up as I came unexpectedly to your
post about Axel.  I couldn't believe what I was reading.  I know you had
mentioned he was having some problems, but I had no idea they were so
serious.  I'm so sorry you lost him.  It seems like only yesterday that I
had first met Axel back in '92 at one of the local shows.  He made a big
impression on me and I have never forgotten him.  Everyone was talking
about this praying ferret, and I had to see for myself.  I was amazed when
I watched him put his little paws together and made the praying or cheering
motion he was so famous for.  I have a picture of him from that day posing
with my dear Emma.  He was the biggest ferret I had seen or have seen
since.  And his badger markings made him look very distinguished and
beautiful.  He truly was a king among ferrets.  He touched the lives of all
those he came in contact with.  He will always hold a special place in my
heart, and he will be very sorely missed.  My thoughts are with you and Jim
and my tears join yours.  If there's anything I can do please let me know.
In Sorrow for your loss,
Fred R.,
Mickey, Niki, Merlin, and Crystal...
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if a million voices
suddenly cried out and then were silent..."
> Obie Wan Knobe - Star Wars...
[Posted in FML issue 1367]