I feel like I'm missing out on something here!!!  Everyone talks about how
their ferrets look like polar bears or cows with their fur/weight gain.  And
how beautiful their new winter coats are.
I have yet to see weight gain, fluffier fur or a new coat color.  We have 6,
and they are kept indoors, but we have windows, and they do see the
occasional outdoors.  The apartment temperature is kept on 69 degrees, with
their room slightly cooler (maybe 66, 67).  I've heard from people in very
warm climates that they've seen the changes in their ferrets.  Although the
next few days will be milder (in the 50's), we've fluxuated around 30
degrees here lately.  I live in Pittsburgh, PA.  Any thoughts from people
out there that are familiar with this?  I'm not really "worried" because I
doubt that its harming them in any way, but I always thought I'd wake up one
morning to see my 1 pound sable female weighing 2 pounds with a grey coat!
[Posted in FML issue 1395]