There is a special category for some Vet's - the ones who will do anything
and everything for your beloved child of fur, feathers, scales or shells.
When you call them at 3am they tell you "no problem meet me at the
hospital".  They sometimes forget parts of the billing.  These vets have
been known to loose tubes of Nutrical or Laxatone.  Also observed - these
types of Vets have been noted to misplace Ferret Food and toe nail clippers.
Vets such as these appear at your local ferret meeting and buy lots of
Raffle Tickets for items they could not possibly use.
You may have observed Vets as listed above - gosh you are lucky.  There are
some Vets who "Sing for Living Life".  oh - you never really hear them sing -
you just see their hearts - only your ferrets hear them sing.
Chere and the Shelter kids
[Posted in FML issue 1392]