Well, I've officially given up on Ferret Outfitters.  After faxing AND
phoning, and being assured that I'd receive a catalog shortly...nothing.
Same deal with Ferret Stuff.  Left a message, but no catalog.  Anyone have
any other suggestions?  The ferrets need to spend their allowance on
Christmas presents for each other.
Psycho discovered the potatoes last night.  He spent about 15 minutes taking
about 10 of them to the bedroom and distributing them under the bed.  I trid
intercepting him a couple of times, but he's fast!  I finally grabbed one
and took it away after considerable hissing (on his part), so he went back
and got a bigger one.  Except for the one we struggled over, he never even
left a toothmark on them!
Does anyone know WHY ferrets stash stuff?  What's so interesting about that
one blue shoe that Cecil calls his own?  And I can see potatoes, being so
nice and chewy, but Psycho doesn't chew them.  What fascinates him about
Terrie's slippers, but nobody else's?  And how come Cocoa ignores all such
things and just wants to climb, climb, climb and knock stuff off shelves?
And why won't Mookie ever get out of the couch voluntarily?  What's IN
Man, I love these guys.
Stan, Terrie & Jen, with Mookie, Psycho, Cecil & Cocoa in Toronto
[Posted in FML issue 1392]