"AntsLove" asked about breeding her ferrets:
Zen and the Art of Ferrets is what you would call a small scale breeder.  A
couple of folks on the list have gotten kits from us and I think most of
them are happy with the 'product'.  Ferret breeding is NOT as easy as
letting your dog or cat have a litter before you alter her.  Most ferret
breeders will tell you lots of scary stories about why you shouldn't breed.
We don't subscribe to the same '"We can do it but you can't attitude".  BUT
it isn't easy.  Depending upon where you live there are local pockets of
ferret overpopulation at the same time there are lots of pockets of ferret
shortages.  Being able to find homes for kits is part of the question.
Hobs are NOT aggresive toward humans while in rut (season).  They are
aggresive to nearly ALL other males (hobs or gibs) and aggresively
INTERESTED in all females (jills and sprites).  They won;t always 'try' the
sprites or jills out of estrus but they might.  Species sometimes doesn't
protect females.  We had two hobs working on a spayed CAT today!  She was
not amused.
I've said it before but the BEST resource for people interested in breeding
ferrets is the Breeder's Digest published quarterly by Vickie McKimmey.
This publication is put together by some of the best breeder's in the
country and is more accurate and up to date than any publication I've seen
from any other source.  Vickie has 'irritated' some folks over the years so
you might get different opinions on occaision.  Call her at (703)777-2112
for a subscription.  I'm pretty sure it is still $10 a year.  The content is
heavily aimed at breeder's but their is information that would be useful to
non-breeders as well.  This isn't a money making venture and I get no 'cut
of the action'.
Some things to be aware of.  Sometimes you will lose a jill and all the
kits.  This happens to nearly everyone who breeds eventually.  We lost on of
my favorite jills this past season.  It is expensive and you will almost
assuredly NOT make any money.  We lose thousands of dollars a year on ferret
On the other hand, kits are cute.  Check out my photo in the most recent
'pink noses' of 'Modern Ferret' for an example. (whoa double plug! sorry BIG)
Any questions on breeding, ask me here or privately.  I'm willing to help.
bill killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1391]