Hi fellow Fert lovers,
Bob, I hope Stella is getting well.  I'll be thinking about her over
Thanksgiving - won't be back on line until Monday though.
Dave, I'm sorry to hear about Rune, but I hope this story helps.  We have
wire cages - we're building a new extravaganza that will stretch up in front
of the kitchen window, with branches and hammocks, seated on the enclosed
back sunporch, NOT wire - so the recent posting about wire cages hit home.
One of our little guys, Gadzook, showed up with a very lame leg one day.  We
didn't know how he did it, but it was probably on the wire cage he loves to
climb.  He was really limping - it was so sad to see.  We waited a couple of
days and he was still limping - we had felt and found no broken bones - than
off we went to the vet, who confirmed nothing was broken but gave us
ten-days worth of antibiotics.  Gadzee started getting better immediately
but it took at least a month before he was up and running.  Now he's strong
and game as ever, though he still has a bump on his leg.
By the way, I found a great new toy.  It's a squeek toy big ball (about four
x four), that the ferters can barely grasp, then it flies away and rolls and
the game goes on.  It's colored like a beach ball, so the ferts look like
little seals.  It's high on the hidey list - from spot to spot as different
ferrets emerge from their homes.
Tails.  My friends think I'm crazy...  but I swear that ferts, I mean
ferrets, smell sweeter as one progresses down their body.  EEwww, let me
explain.  Their ears smell, well, the tartest, their bodies smell just like
ferrets, but their tails, their tails, their tails!  smell like exotic
incense - Seriously!  Please smell your ferrets' tails - peeking around the
room for the guys with the white coats...  ;) - because they are divine.
All my little guys and "Girly girls" have delicious smelling tails, each
different.  I'm embarrassed writing this, but, well....  it's true!
Anyway, there was something else, but I can't think - oh yeah! - the
funniest thing I've ever seen a ferret do.
My large and gorgeous (I sound disgusting, but he IS) hob Tarzan was playing
with a rubber glove Wally had stolen - big NO NO, blockage alarm - which
they can't get to any more.  Well, Tarzan, of course being a little, wild
fert, put his head inside, lifted up with glove atop upwardly pointing with
five bright yellow fingers, and started waving his head up and down, waving
at ME.  Oh, it nearly killed me to watch - soooo funny.  Thank god for these
natural little comedians.
The funniest thing my ferret's ever done....???  Well, there's my story.
I hope all ferrets (and their two-legged pets) have/had?  (BIG, bless your
heart, you're probably not working on the FML tonight or tomorrow?!  BYW,
you're great and many Thanks to YOU) Thanksgiving.  Many thanks to Dr.
Williams and Dr.  Weiss, as well; I get a lot of comfort knowing you're both
on line with all of us.   [Thanks for the kind thoughts. BIG]
I'll be thinking of Stella and Rune over the holiday and weekend (I'm
offline until Monday), and sending special prayers for the safety and good
will of ferrets homeless or lost, let there be none of either, and all
ferrets.  Mine will get a second helping of cantalope, their very most
favorite food, except Percy, who ignores it, and will get an extra lick of
Thanks to all you ferreters too! (Wow, sorry this was so long!)
Lynn McIntosh, SO Janos, 15-year 16-year sweet Wellington (the cat who
puts up with us all), and the Gang of Seven special ferts.
[Posted in FML issue 1387]