Has anyone asked around at pet shops if they would allow a copy of the
Ferret FAQ to be handed out when they see a potential ferret owner?  When I
first got Trillian I ready several books about ferrets beforehand.  They
were helpful, but how many people actually do ANY research on them before
they purchase the little sweeties.
    I have a weekly routine of going into pet supermarket and playing with
the ferrets and it is really aggravating when you see people who know
nothing about them buying them!  I have mentioned the FML to a few people
but unfortunately not everyone has internet access.  I don't want to be rude
about it but I feel like it's the responsibility of the workers at the pet
shops to make sure these people are educated about the pet they are purchas-
ing.  These aren't hamsters!!  Unfortunately most workers want to sell,
sell, sell (not all--thank God).
    What do you guys think about the FAQ suggestion??  Maybe it'll help
educate people BEFORE they purchase them.
[Posted in FML issue 1359]