Valerie Olszyk:
I used to be a pharmaceutical representative for Merck Frosst Canada, and I
believe they have a division that makes Heartgard, the drug you were asking
about for heartworms.  (If memory serves me correctly, that is.  I do not
know the generic name, so check to see that we are talking about the same
thing.  I was only involved in human pharmaceuticals.) A good way to enhance
your knowledge of this drug on ferrets would be to call the company's
American head office, located in Rahway, New Jersey.  Their medical
department is one of the best in the world for pharmaceuticals, and they
should have the information readily available for you.  The phone number may
even be toll free (I'm writing from Canada, so I have no way of knowing.) I
am told that Merck has a home page on the Internet that may also let you
know what number to call to find out this information.  I hope that helps.
I know nothing about vet medicine, but I do know that the pharmaceutical
company will have information on dosage, safety, half-lives of the drug,
etc.  They should even know for ferrets.  If I am wrong, and Merck does not
make this drug, then find out who does.  If you do not get a response from
Merck, please e-mail me at [log in to unmask] and I will go through
Canadian channels for additional information.  Good luck.
Nancy,  Sylvain,
Farrah (the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ferret)
& Tashia (who is still without a second name!)
[Moderator's note: Yes, Merck is the manufacturer.  Trouble is that
since use in ferrets is off-label use, I doubt they'll discuss dosages.
Following is my understanding of it, but please confirm any details
with a vet in the know...I'm neither a vet nor do I claim to always
have a clue as to what I'm talking about :-)
I think the proper dose for heartworm prevention is indeed quite low,
like 10/mcg/kg.  But dosages as high as 200-400 mcg/kg are used to
treat other parasitic infestations such as ear mites, so the safe range
is pretty broad.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1357]