Fara - The other evening Nancy and I stopped at a pet store to deliver
newsletters.  The owner asked us to look at a ferret someone had left with
her the night before.  What I saw was an older ferret that was laying on her
side stretched out and her breathing was very shallow.  She was so
malnourished I could visually see every little bone in her body.  Her
breating was shallow and her body cool to the touch.  Her lymph glands under
her neck were as large as a jumbo hot dog from ear to ear.  When I picked
her up she barely moved.  Every lymph gland in her body was enlarged.  Irma
said I could take her so I called the vet right there and scheduled an
appointment for the next day.  I wasn't sure if Fara would make it through
the night but after we got home I cleaned her up and Nancy and I struggled
with force-feeding.  The vet confirmed our suspicions - Lymphoma,
malnutrition, and no will to live.  We started her on Prelone and Vitamin C
and worked with her till we convinced her eating was a good thing.  I'm
happy to report that Fara's condition has improved considerably.  She now
eats 2/3+ a day of Science Diet A/D-Pedialyte mixture and we mix her Prelone
in with the mixture so there is no struggle at medication time.  She has
gained weight and her mental state has improved.  Fara is well loved and
cared for and she is responding.  I don't know how long she has left on this
earth but we are blessed that we found each other and for the time we are
given.  I can't change her past but I most certainly can control her present
and future.
Spiccup - Spiccup was turned in because she was hairless and the owner
couldn't afford adrenal surgery.  Spiccup does not have a swollen vulva so
our vet wanted to try a special shampoo and diet.  I'm happy to report
Spiccup is growing her fur back.  She is a real sweetie.  She plays with all
the other ferrets and even me.  She follows me EVERYWHERE.  She is very
happy.  We still lean towards adrenals but won't perform surgery till the
vulva swells, from what I understand a definite sign.
Charlie - Charlie was bitten or stung by an insect.  She had an allergic
reaction and her nose swelled.  We medicated her and all was well, or at
least we thought so.  She was bitten 3 times and finally an abscess formed.
Last night our vet lanced the bean size abscess and snipped a piece of skin
off so it would stay open.  There was so much puss!  Poor, poor, Charlie.
She was so good.  Only flinced at the snip.  Well now I have to squeeze out
any puss and put in (note the in) panalog.  This morning there was no puss
and after I put in the panalog and put her on the floor she goes directly
for the litter box (clumping).  Now Charlie has NEVER before rooted in
litter but this morning that is exactly what she did!  I quickly retrieved
her and cleaned her now clogged opening and then took her to the living
room and put her on the futon.  She rubbed on the futon and then went on
her merry way.  Little stinker.
Condolences to all who have lost a loved one.
Hugs.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1356]