Thanks for the tips about nail trimming everyone but actually I trim the
tribe's nails about once every two or three weeks.  I keep a close eye on
them and trim them when they start to get long.
Actually, when Nik had his accident, I had just trimmed their nails about
two days before.  He seems to be doing fairly well - I've been checking his
toe daily and changing the bandage and cleaning the foot every other day.
If it shows no signs of improvement by the end of this week, I plan on
having my vet take a look at it.  He's not impressed by the extra scrutiny -
even though he does get a treat for his misery.  :-< I feel bad having to
prod him, but I have to keep tabs on him.  Sigh!  He's definitely as playful
as usual - just that first day after that he was a little lethargic -
probably just stressed out.  And *amazingly*, he hasn't been chewing at the
bandage - I'm very impressed with him!  :->
Someone mentioned a theory of telling the difference between a male or
female ferret by laying on the floor and seeing if they lick your eyelids or
chew your toes.  Hate to blow your theory BUT I have 3 boys and 1 girl and
they all do both of these things, depending on their individual moods.
Geisha (female) especially likes eyelids (I think you said this was a male
trait) AND yuckily enough, will try to stick her schnoz up yours -
especially first thing in the morning when I kneel over the hammock to say
good morning!!  EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!!!!!!!  Little nut!  Maybe cuz her nose is
the only one small enough to properly fit???!  Weird topic, let's move on!!
Anyone else's kids insist on pulling the newspaper off the coffee table,
especially when you're reading it??
Enough rambling for now - my condolences to all those who recently have had
friends pass over Rainbow Bridge.
Georgette and the Tribe!
Gushi - Gee mom, your eyelids taste neato!
Me - OW! This is cute and all, but I wish your tongue wasn't so rough!
Geisha - Hmmmmmmmmm??? What's in here?
Me - Ack! What do you think you're doing?? That's MY nose you little goof!
Nik - Please don't clean my foot again!
Me - guiltguiltguiltguiltguiltguiltguilt!
Buster - Here, let me finish that crossword puzzle for ya!
Me - Hey! I'm not done with that yet! MY COMIC STRIPS!!!!
D. Pasquino/G. Peters
Toronto, Ontario
[Posted in FML issue 1353]