To the person who wrote offering to give me the names of vets here in (FFZ)
California...thanks!  Actually, right after I posted (about how I couldn't
find a vet here for fear of having Indie the house-bear confiscated) I was
telling somebody at work about the FML, and about ferrets in general, and it
turns out their neighbor has a ferret, right here in the city!  And they
knew a good vet!  I had no idea you could do that!  So I made an appointment
and Indie got her first shots, and it turns out the senior vet there owns
two ferrets himself!  Suddenly I'm surrounded by ferrets and ferret-folk
where once I was alone and OUTLAWED in California.  Thanks, Ferret People!
(And thanks, Hillary, for your offer of vet-information).
BTW, in one of those goofy legal loopholes that makes sense only to a
lawyer, you can take your ferret in to get shots and treatment, but you
can't own a ferret.  In other words, the vet is allowed to treat the
ferret, but the ferret must not exist to be treated.  Whatever.  Also, on
the vet's receipt they wrote "French Rodent." I know why they did this,
and I think it's funny, but I can't believe the number of people who fall
for that!  People who actually do think that ferrets are rodents.  People
seem to operate on a superficial taxonomy based solely on appearance:
ferrets are small and furry, and rats are small and furry, therefore they
must both be the same: rodents.  Kind of like Ronald Reagan calling
ketchup a vegetable, no?
But...French Rodent?!  Why is it that you take something, anything, and add
"FRENCH" to it, and it suddenly becomes twice as good.  Door...FRENCH door!
Kiss...FRENCH kiss!  Vanilla...FRENCH vanilla!  Fries...FRENCH fries!  (OK,
so that one didn't fly so well).  But you can take an ordinary rodent and,
voila'!...FRENCH rodent!  See how special ferrets are!
Dan and Indie, the pocketfox...
[Posted in FML issue 1334]