To the person who asked about scolding:
I think people overdramatize the bad-feelings-associated-with-owner thing
where scolding is concerned.  Your ferret is smart enough to associate
his/her crime with the punishment, rather than the punisher.  As long as you
play when he asks and cuddle when he wants to, he'll think you're the
greatest.  Case in point: Seymour hates baths, yet his favorite place to
hang out is the bath tub.  Go fig.  I think he likes the cool ceramic.  He's
bright enough to know that the bath is the evil one, not the bath tub.  I
scold Seymour in lots of different ways.  The punishment should fit the
crime, I guess.  Seymour was never a biter, but when we got the cat, he was
a bit confused by the fact that it was ok to bite Psycho-kitty, but not ok
to bite us.  When he nipped, I'd just yell at him, then walk off and refuse
to play(a fate much more cruel than nose flicking, judging by the hurt look
on his face).  The nipping stopped very quickly.  The key is persistance.
Ferrets are very good at looking pathetic.  Chances are they are just trying
to get sympathy.  Don't feel too sorry for them(easier said than done;))
Cartoon ferrets:
Okay, Psycho is tearing through the house like mad, and Seymour is bouncing
casually behind him, keeping up suprisingly well....
My God!  It's straight out of a Pepe le Peu cartoon!!!LOL!!:) Also on the
subject of cartoon ferrets, my drama tonight is dedicated to the ananymous
poster who seems to be an Animaniacs freak like myself(and who also
apparently has the same smart-alec sense of humor as myself...)
Psycho-Gee, Seymour, what are me gonna do tonight?
Seymour-The same thing we do every night, Psycho. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE SOCK
Very dramatic, eh?
They're Seymour, they're Seymour and the Cat, Cat, Cat, Cat, Cat!!
        --Barbara Thomas
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[Posted in FML issue 1351]