Kathleen Boaz: Although my little fuzzball just recently had one of her
adrenal glands removed, she is no worse for the wear.  Adrenal problems
appear to be a more common problem, and talked about here often.  Thank
goodness too, or I wouldn't have even suspected she might have had a
problem.  Good vet and easy fix.  Much better than the intestinal problems
I've run across--ulcers and a blockage.
Others: There is one thing though.  Her odor has changed slightly.  Well, I
figure it's chemical changes and such, but was wondering how long until
things level back out?  I *really* miss ferret smell--they really should
make a perfume...<vbg> Also, she is much smaller than my boy, but weighs
more and is soooo barrel chested and muscular compared to all the ferrets
I've seen.  Is this common?
BTW, I never thanked Pam Greene or Debbie regarding the change in Gerber's
food....happened when Buster was sick and I was even more worried about him
not liking his food as much until I found out why.
Passed through Chicago today, and was so ticked to see how close I came to
making it to a ferret show.  But it wasn't in the cards.  Perhaps I will get
to read about it or shows in general in Modern Ferret (suggestion, hint).
Danny Williams
29, Texas
[Posted in FML issue 1351]