Hi all!  Just got done with the biggest bunch of crud ever with Northwest
Airlines.  I am planning to fly from Portland OR to Illinois for Christmas,
and want to take our ferret with us for the trip.  We were assured
(repeatedly) that this would not present a problem as kittens and small dogs
are permitted in the cabin in a kennel that goes under the seat.  Tonight,
after calling to confirm the flight reservations I found out that Stella
would have to ride in the cargo hold, and that this would probably be
rejected due to the temperature that time of year!  I asked to have someone
at "The Central Office" explain this to me, as ferret's are much smaller and
quieter than kittens or dogs.  The response.." Well, he didn't really know
why specifically, but guessed that because they are so small they could get
out of the cage and run around the plane." WHATTTTT!!!!???  Needless to say,
we are not flying Northwest Airlines anymore, and I let her know that.  I am
in the process of putting together some hate mail to their customer
relations department, but want to cool off a bit first so I don't sound as
irrational as I feel.  Just wanted everyone to know.  If, by chance, you
want to send some hate mail, too, just email me and I will forward the
address/phone number.
Thanks for listening - I'm off to find a "ferret-friendly" airline.
Dina &
Stella (Yeah, yeah, I wanna go, I wanna go!)
  Dina (The Mom)
  Brant  (The Dad)
  Stella Bobella McMousechild (I AM the QUEEN...!!)
  Dooki McBearmouse (Yeah, Yeah...hey Mom...got any raisins?? dook dook)
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[Posted in FML issue 1351]