You know your ferrets are spoiled when:
They smell bad (no, no, a bath every other day stops that).
They grow fur (wait, I'm thinking of fridge leftovers).
They get dark spots on them (sorry, that's a sable mask).
Zort!  Aye think that eye am knot clear on this concept.   Anyway, Manuel,
I'm old enough to have traveled to Rigel and 1/10 back at light speed (oops,
didn't factor in the relativistic time dilation effect).  Narf, forget that.
What is this talk of ferret heliporting?  Did somebody figure out a way to
get back at the airlines?  I'll build one on my roof, but the ferrets will
give me trouble climbing up there.  They get everywhere.
Got to go for my adjustment session.  These ferrets drive me nucking futs
(well, they don't actually drive because the paws don't reach the petals).
Speaking of flowers, what they do to my pants!   Digging all the time.
   ( )--(a)
   (@=@=) \     Till next time.......Rudy the ferlosopher
   O__)  \ \___
      \   \           R ferrets are very fresh!
      /\ * )  \
[Posted in FML issue 1350]